Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Let's go back!

Sense my blog is brand new, I have decided I am going to go back, just till my Son was born!
My Son has completely changed my life for the better. I can honestly say, I wouldn't be who I am today with-out him, he has truly been beyond a blessing to me! He is such a handful, now that he is almost two. But I wouldn't want to be doing anything else, but being his Mommy!

I have been lucky enough to find an amazing photographer, by the name of Jennifer, because of a friend Shawntae, I have been getting my Son's pictures done every 6 months sense he was born from her. Here is her link www.fausetphotography.com she is what has inspired my photography, if I could only be half as good! :) www.labuervenichphotography.com

Here is a little preview of her great work, and my gorgeous little boy sense he was a new born tell now!!

Here is my Prince as a NEW born!


Here is my Prince at 6 months!


Here is my Prince at 1 year!


Here is my Prince at 1 year 6 months!


Here is my Prince at 2 years old.


I love my life, as a mommy!

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